Motion Dies for Possible Parcel Disconnection in Helper City


At the January Helper City Council meeting, a public hearing was hosted regarding the possible disconnect of the parcels owned by Jason Child of Carbon Emery RV from Helper City.

At this meeting, it was stated that Child’s wish to disconnect the parcels of the new RV lot from Helper into Carbon County stemmed from the expense of computer operating systems and accountings. Being in Helper City limits, there would be a requirement of two systems, one for each property of his business. However, if the parcel was within Carbon County, only one system would be needed to operate both locations.

At the February meeting, which took place on Thursday evening, this item was once again brought up as resolution was not reached during the January meeting. Helper City Mayor Lenise Peterman remarked that a good deal of time was spent previously on the discussion.

She then opened the topic to the council for feedback and none was received. Following this, Mayor Peterman stated that she would entertain the option for a motion to disconnect. When no council members came forward to make a motion for the disconnection, the mayor announced that the motion had died.

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