MOU for Exit 240 Beautification Project Discussed by Price City Council


The Price City Council took time to discuss a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for the Exit 240 Beautification Project on Wednesday evening. Council member Rick Davis stated that those in charge of the project are asking for very little from the city and Davis believes that the city should support the project.

Council member Lief Nelson agreed with Davis, stating that it was interesting to him that those in charge had picked a project that in scope and size would be a big project. Nelson gave them kudos for getting the money and involvement needed.

The exit, located near Castleview Hospital, is one of three exits that will potentially be improved over the next several years. The project aims to beautify the exit, making it more appealing to travelers and visitors of Price City.

“This is an investment that is going to pay off for many years in our community,” Nelson stated.

Council member Kathy Hanna-Smith, who has worked closely with those involved in the project, stated that she believed it should be approved. Each council member agreed that they should be involved in finding the money in the budget to give toward the project.

A format of a proposed agreement was then approved for council members to find the money within the budget and bring it back to a later meeting to give approval for the project.

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