Notice is given that a General Election will be held Tuesday, November 6, 2018. The polling places are as follows:

#1-Emery Emery Town Hall-65 North Center, Emery
#2-Ferron South Ferron City Hall-20 East Main, Ferron
#3-Ferron North Ferron City Hall-20 East Main, Ferron
#4-Clawson Clawson Town Hall-200 South Main, Clawson
#5-Orangeville Orangeville City Hall-25 North Main, Orangeville
#6-Castle Dale West Museum of the San Rafael-70 N. 100 E., Castle Dale
#7-Castle Dale East Museum of the San Rafael-70 N. 100 E., Castle Dale
#8-Huntington East Huntington City Hall-20 South Main, Huntington
#9-Huntington West Huntington City Hall-20 South Main, Huntington
#10-Cleveland Cleveland Town Hall-130 W Main., Cleveland
#11-Elmo Elmo Town Hall-75 S 100 E. Main, Elmo
#12-Green River Green River City Hall-240 E. Main, Green River

The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. on that day.

Voter qualifications are as follows:
-Be a U.S. citizen either by birth or by the naturalization process
-Be a resident of Utah for at least 30 days immediately preceding the General Election.
-Be at least 18 years old by the General Election.
-Must be a resident and registered voter of your election district.

If you have questions about eligibility to vote, please go to: or call (435) 381-3550.

ls/Brenda D. Tuttle
Emery County Clerk/Auditor

Published in the ETV Newspaper October 31, 2018.

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