Number of Vacancies: Three

Positions: Two year terms

The Emery County Economic Development Board (CED Board) will consist of at least five regular board members, with at least one member from each of the following sectors: 1) workforce development representative; 2) private-sector representative; and 3) member of the public who lives in the county. The CED board  shall assist and advise the county legislative body on: 1) applying for a Rural County Grant; 2) what projects should be funded by grant money provided to a rural county under the program; and 3) preparing reporting requirements for grant money received by a rural county under the program.

The county legislative body may also appoint additional members with experience or expertise in economic development matters. In appointing members of the CED board, the county legislative body may consider gender and socioeconomic diversity. CED Boards are subject to the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act (52-4-101-104, 201-210, 301-304), and are expected to abide by ethics in governance, and conflict of interest practices.

Any citizen, interested in serving on this board may obtain a form on-line at or at the Clerk/Auditor’s Office during regular business hours. The volunteer form will need to be returned to the Clerk/Auditor’s Office, P.O. Box 907, Castle Dale, Utah 84513.

If you have any questions or would like more information concerning these positions, please feel free to contact the Commission office at 435-381-3570.

Applications are due 5:00p.m. June 1, 2020. Appointments will take place at the June 2, 2020 regular commission meeting.

Published in the ETV Newspaper on May 20 and 27, 2020.

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