“One Last Time” for the Carbon High School Graduates *Photo Gallery*


The Carbon High School (CHS) graduating class of 2024 celebrated their special night on Wednesday, hosted on the football field where the bleachers were filled with friends, family and loved ones. The night started off with the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard, who presented the colors as the Carbon High Choir then sang the national anthem.

The welcoming speech was presented by Gail Scoville, who said to “dream big, work hard and stay true to your values. Remember the journey is just as important as the destination”.

Scoville then quoted Rascal Flatt’s song “I Wish”.

“I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow and each road leads you where you want to go. And if you’re faced with the choice and you have to choose, I hope you choose the one that means the most to you. And if one door opens to another door closed, I hope you keep on walkin’ ‘til you find the window. If it’s cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile. But more than anything, more than anything, my wish is for you. Is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small. You never need to carry more than you can hold. And while you’re out there gettin’ where you’re gettin’ to. I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too. Yeah, this is my wish.”

Senior Class President, Allison Wright, then presented the Retrospective.

“I think of the times we won tough games, dressed up for the student section, skipped classes to get drinks, drove all the way to Emery High to cheer on our favorite team, and heartbreak over heartbreak and then heal again. When we parked our cars in the lower parking lot to indulge drive in movie action. When we sat at Senior Sunrise and there was a downpour of rain, just to see the pretty pink sunset. When we danced the night away at our final prom and just yesterday, at our final night as Carbon High students. Watching the sunset in a beautiful, full circle moment from beginning to end,” Wright stated. “These are the moments that will stay by us forever. High School came and went, in the blink of an eye. That just goes to show how fast time really goes. So class of 2024, don’t dwell on tough things or how hard they will be, and when you start college and a new job, don’t stress about it. Live in the moment, cause it really does go by, so fast. Thank you, Carbon High, for giving me memories that will last a lifetime.”

Salutatorian Eric Holt presented the tribute to parents next.

“As we are graduating and moving on with our lives, don’t forget to show your parents and loved ones you care and that you love them. A hug never hurt anyone. Thank you parents and all of you out there that have had an influence on our lives. We are so grateful for all that you do,” said Holt.

Next was the tribute to teachers by fellow Salutatorian Cameron Jones. “The role of a teacher just doesn’t have to be a teacher. Over the last four years I sincerely hope my fellow graduates may see them in a new light. I hope you can see them as friends. I’ve always had a deep and utter respect for you. I hope you know how much I am going to miss all of you. I love you guys, ‘til next time”

Valedictorian Ada Bradford then took everyone on a walk through the halls, one last time. Her speech gave the audience a day in the life at Carbon High School. Speaking of all of the hallways, classrooms, faculty and funny situations the students lived every day.

“We hope that, not only this ride, but the last four years as well, has been a memorable journey that you will look back on for years to come,” Bradford shared.

Paige Peterson of the Utah Supreme Court Justice was the Keynote Speaker. She honored longtime teacher at Carbon High School, Jim Thompson.

“I’ve learned so much from Mr. Thompson, that I’ve used for the rest of my life and career. I just want to say thank you and thank you to his family, you change my life.” She continued, “Remember we are all kids at heart, we all want to keep learning, growing and exploring. Don’t turn that light out, keep going. Keep asking yourself what am I interested in? What do I care about? What are the contributions I can make? You need to keep trying new things and trying them out, so you can continue asking those questions and find the right path for you. You don’t need to find the right path for anyone else. You need to find your path, and it’s those questions, listening to the people around you, making real connections with people, that will help you find the path that means the most to you.”

The graduating class then received their diplomas, as each student was recognized for their achievement. Counselor Brandi Stamatakis concluded with the recognition. “I have been with these guys for the last four years, and to say I’m proud is an understatement.” The students moved their tassels from the right to left and tossed their graduation cap in the sky as they move forward in their lives. Congratulations Class of ’24.

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