Orangeville City Council Donates to Miners Memorial, Discusses Improving City Monument


By Lexie Huntington

The Orangeville City Council met and discussed several items on Wednesday evening.

Some of the items discussed were the approval of bills and warrants as well as the need for volunteers next year for Orangeville Days.

Cache Leavitt asked for approval for his eagle project, which involves redoing and improving the flower beds around the city monument at the cemetery. He is planning to pull the weeds and get landscaping walks to lay down a border around it. He plans on completing the project by the end of October. Leavitt is open to any donations to help out with his eagle project.

As of right now, Orangeville City is charging $30 a month to use the community center once a week and $75 for a one-time use. They want to change the $30 monthly fee to at least $75 whether it gets used one time or once a week for a month, but they are still looking into it. 

The Orangeville City Council also approved to donate $500 to the Miners Memorial.

Allen Childs is an employee at the cemetery, and he voiced his concerns about the moles in the cemetery ground, repairing the old headstones and fertilization for the ground.  The council said he is doing a great job by improving the scenery of the cemetery.


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