Pendergrass Elected to Represent Utah in American Association of Nurse Practitioners


Danielle Pendergrass, a local nurse practitioner for Eastern Utah Women’s Health, recently won a state election in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). She will represent Utah on a national level as well as region 8, which includes Colo, Mont., N.D., S.D., Utah and Wyo.

The AANP represents nurse practitioners (NPs) and negotiates with other healthcare entities.  They work with legislators to make laws that increase access to care and decrease healthcare costs.

“The American Association of Nurse Practitioners believes that nurse practitioners should have a lead role in our healthcare system and we work at the national and state levels to shape health policy,” Pendergrass said. “Our top priorities are modernizing state practice laws and removing barriers that prevent NPs from practicing to the full extent of their education and training and increase access to high quality, cost effective NP services.”

Former representative Lee Moss will mentor Pendergrass in her duties.

The AANP does more than just lobby. In their weekly e-news bulletin, they keep their members informed on national and state changes in policy, an invaluable service. This service keeps their members up to date, which allows them to participate in policy change while providing their patients with the highest quality of care.

As part of a counsel made up of one representative per state, Pendergrass will have influence over which state and national policies take shape.

“The state of Utah has never had a representative from rural Utah,” said Pendergrass. “I am confident that I will be able to bring the needs of rural Utah NPs to the forefront.”

Pendergrass will begin serving a two-year term in June.


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