Price City Council Approves Capital Improvement Plan


The Price City Council conducted their meeting on May 15, with all council members in attendance. The meeting started with Councilman Tanner Richardson, who presented a safety reminder to wear your seatbelts.

“There’s been some wrecks that I’ve heard about that people are safe and walk away because they’re wearing seatbelts,” stated Councilman Richardson.

Mayor Michael Kourianos then motioned council to move on to public comments. Wayne Jackson was the only Price resident in attendance with a public comment to make. Jackson wanted to address the lack of memorials in town for Veterans who have passed, who served in WWll, the Korean war, the Vietnam war and Desert Storm, just to name a few.

Jackson mentioned that a memorial for the WWl Veterans and those lost in the coal mines had been erected at the Peace Gardens, but not one for the others mentioned. Councilwoman Amy Knott-Jespersen stated that may be a good project for the American Legion to take on. Mayor Kourianos did agree that he would like to see more plaques of recognition for Veterans lost.

Council then moved onto the proposed Capital Improvement Plan to discuss improvement projects as well as purchases that need to be made for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Public Works Director Miles Nelson was invited up to thoroughly discuss said plan.

The plan involved the sign replacement, replacement of culverts, sidewalk and pothole repairs, amongst many other things that are annual purchases for the city.

Nelson then discussed a sidewalk repair program that they’ve done for years. Nelson stated that they work with the owners of the property adjacent in replacing the sidewalk, by providing labor and equipment if the property owners will purchase the materials.

Mayor Kourianos interjected a couple of different times simply to offer thanks for all of the hard work that the Public Works Department does, once referencing how quickly the Desert Wave Pool project was done. Nelson advised that there has been a huge request for more Pickleball courts and it has been budgeted to add more courts at Washington Park.

Nelson also mentioned that they would be upgrading and replacing the playground equipment at Rose Park, and improving and fixing the retaining wall at Pioneer Park, amongst many other improvements scheduled. Once Nelson had finished going over the proposed Capital Improvement Budget, council approved.

Mayor Kourianos then proclaimed that May 19 through May 25 would be declared as “Price City Public Works Week 2024”. Following, he proclaimed that May 1 through May 7 would be declared as “Elk’s National Youth Week”. The council approved both proclamations unanimously.

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