Price City’s Culture Connection | Cherie Call

Cherie Call will be performing at Price City’s Culture Connection on June 20 at 7 p.m. in their new location, Washington Park.
Call was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. She has released ten albums of her original songs. Call has played “in the round” at The Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, and is a two time finalist in the prestigious Kerrville Newfolk songwriting competition.
Her songs have appeared in various films, including the Banff Mountain Film Festival award winning film, “True Fans”, which featured her song, “Heart Made of Wind’.
Call collaborated with Lyndy Butler on a song called, “The Astronaut and the Mermaid’, which won the Children’s category of The John Lennon Songwriting Contest in 2016.
Call has taught songwriting at Snow College, Utah Valley University, and Utah Conservatory of Performing Arts, and as a guest presenter at numerous workshops.
For more information regarding Price City’s Culture Connection, follow them on Facebook by clicking here.
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