Price Elk’s Lodge Host Flag Day Ceremony


Photos by Jamie Swank

On June 14, Americans across the United States took part in Flag Day, while many locals also took part in the Flag Day ceremony held by Price Elk’s Lodge #1550, joined by the Boys & Girls Troops 271 and 808, which took place at the Price City Peace Gardens.

The ceremony began with the singing of the National Anthem, as participants were taught what it means to not only be an Elk, but also the history of the Elk’s Lodge throughout the years.

Attendees were then led in a prayer for the nation, which was led into a history lesson on the significance and history of the American Flag as well as the commencement of Flag Day.

Shane Maestes then sang “God Bless America” for those in attendance, followed by Judy Roybal, who recited a poem in honor of the American Flag. The ceremony came to an end as attendees were led in the Pledge of Allegiance as a way to bring the ceremony to a close.

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