Price Kiwanis Outlines Changes, Cancellations for 2020


Many children traditionally enjoy the annual Kiwanis Kids Day in the Park. ETV News stock photo.

Price Kiwanis Press Release

The Price Kiwanis Club has been a stalwart for children’s charity in the area for as long as anyone can remember. On Jan. 4, 2022 the club will have been officially chartered in the area for 100 years.

Over the history, many individuals have come and gone and many charitable projects and events have come and gone, but one thing has remained – a commitment to the community and to improving the lives of children in the area.

It is with that in mind that Price Kiwanis is honored to announce its plans for the rest of the 2020 year in service to the community and the children of the area given the COVID-19 situation we are all enduring.

While some giving efforts have had to be cut back,  most are still active:
– Price Kiwanis recently awarded five educational scholarship for local kids to attend college.
– Support to the science fair was provided.
– Eyeglasses and hearing aids have been purchased.
– School and meal support for those in need have been allocated.
The Annual Price Kiwanis Rubber Duckie Derby held in conjunction with Pleasant Valley Days in the Scofield area on the 4th of July weekend has been canceled due to the cancellation of Pleasant Valley Days. This great event and fundraiser should return in 2021.
The annual Price Kiwanis Radio Auction has been rescheduled to Sunday, Aug. 30 and will start at 9 a.m. and last until all donated items are sold. Price Kiwanis extends a special thank you to the many generous donors and merchants that have “stuck it out” with us to keep the fundraiser available and the resulting investment in children in the area from the funds raised. Mark your calendar now and watch for updated posters around town and donate or buy from the auction as much as possible. Now, more than ever, the need is great.
The annual Price Kiwanis Kids Day in the Park is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 26 and will be held at Washington Park in Price. This is a free day of fun, food, games and prizes for all kids 12 years old and under. Proceeds from the radio auction help to support this activity.
– Annual Price Kiwanis Sub-for-Santa will take place over the holiday season. Dozens of at-risk kids will receive gifts and a special visit from the “big man” Santa himself. Proceeds from the radio auction help to support this activity.

Price Kiwanis is here to stay and, as has been said in the media many times, we are all in this together. With community support, Price Kiwanis will continue to help the children of the area for another 100 years!

For more information about Price Kiwanis or to become involved, please contact any club member.

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