Public Invited to BLM Recreation Planning Meeting Tonight


The monthly Recreation Planning Meeting will be held at the BLM Price Field Office at 6 p.m. on March 27. The meeting will include discussions concerning current and future recreation/volunteer projects.

 Millsite Project updates
 Review what has been done and discuss work that is still needed.
 Signing designated routes
 Discussion about volunteer project planned for March 29th.
 Equestrian Campground
 Discussion about the volunteer project that is planned for April 4-5.
 Joes Valley Climbing Kiosks
 Discussion about the volunteer project that is planned for April 5.
 Easter Weekend Plans  April 17-21 at the San Rafael Swell: possible volunteer opportunities including trail patrols, handing out maps and garbage bags and putting up Tread Lightly booths.
 Temple Mountain Intersection Kiosks
 This three-tiered kiosk needs to be finished before Easter weekend.
 Wilderness study area boundaries
 Discussion about the volunteer projects planned for March, April and May.
 Questions?
 See if anyone has any questions or concerns that they would like to discuss.

This meeting is open to the public and anyone interested in outdoor recreation on BLM managed lands in Carbon and Emery Counties is welcome to attend.

Contact Jaydon Mead with any questions.
Phone: (435) 636 3646


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