The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration has received an application to remove ordinary sand and gravel from the following described land:

Township 17 South, Range 8 East  SLB&M,
Section 10: SW¼NW¼, NE¼SW¼, N½SE¼
Section 11: NW¼SW¼, SW¼SW¼                                                

Containing 240.0 acres, more or less

The Administration will accept competing applications to remove the sand and gravel, and also competing applications to lease, purchase, or exchange this property, a portion thereof, or a parcel including any of the above described acreage. Contact Andy Bedingfield for the appropriate required application.

The Administration will accept competing applications during the following period of time:

From 8:00 A.M.
October 7, 2015
Until 5:00 P.M.
November 6, 2015

675 East 500 South, Suite 500
Salt Lake City, Utah 84102

In the absence of competing applications for lease, purchase, or exchange, the Administration will evaluate the applications for the removal of ordinary sand and gravel and award the permit for such removal. Each application for the removal of sand and gravel must be accompanied by a completed application form.

Materials permit bids will be evaluated on the following criteria:  1) The amount  of the bonus bid; 2) The amount, rate, and type of the proposed materials extraction and associated minimum royalty*; and, 3) Other requirements provided for by the rules of the Administration or contained in this notice. The successful applicant will be required to pay advertising costs and the costs of a cultural resource study if necessary.  The successful applicant will be required to rehabilitate any areas disturbed during the permit period and areas with existing disturbance. Bonding for reclamation and performance will also be required by the Administration. A term of up to five (5) years, will be considered for this Permit. Applicant must be qualified to do business in the State of Utah.  Please submit sealed application to Trust Lands Administration at the above referenced address. Reference MP # 562

The Administration reserves the right to reject any application or subsequent bids.

*Minimum royalties vary by commodity
Contact Mr. Andy Bedingfield for details

Published in the ETV Newspaper on December 9 and December 16, 2020.

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