State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration hereby gives notice that the following property is being considered for lease:
Emery County
Township 16 South, Range 9 East, SLB&M
Section 5: S½SW¼
Section 6: Lots 3-7, E½SW¼, SE¼NW¼, SW¼NE¼, SE¼
Section 7: E2, NE¼SW¼, E½NW¼
Section 8: S½, S½NE¼, W½SE¼
Section 17: N½N½NW¼
Section 18: N½NE¼
Approx. 1,640.00 Acres
Any individual wishing to comment or submit a competing application to purchase, lease, and/or exchange for this property, a portion thereof, or a parcel including any of the above-described acreage, should also file an application including the appropriate application fee(s).
The Trust Lands Administration will accept comments and/or competing applications during the following time:
From 8:00 A.M.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Until 5:00 P.M.
Monday, January 18, 2021
2031 South Industrial Park Road
Richfield, UT 84701
Reference No.: SULA 1947
The Trust Lands Administration reserves the right to reject any application or subsequent bids.
Published in the ETV Newspaper on December 23 and December 30, 2020, and January 6, 2021.