PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that Orangeville City Planning and Zoning Commission has a vacancy opening. Orangeville City invites qualified residents to submit applications to fill this important role.

The Planning and Zoning Commission serves as a vital function in Orangeville City by advising the City Council on matters that involve land use, zoning and development. Commission members are tasked with reviewing and recommending actions on various proposals such as zoning changes, subdivisions, and other land use applications.

Eligibility Requirements:
• Must be a resident of Orangeville City
• Have interest in Community Planning and Development
• Be able to commit to attending regular commission meetings

Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application to Orangeville City Hall, 25 North Main, Orangeville Utah, 84537 by October 15,2024.

The Orangeville City Council will review all applications and make the appointment during a public meeting held on November 14, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Orangeville City Hall at 435-748-2651.

Published in the ETV Newspaper October 9, 2024.

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