Notice is hereby given that the Huntington City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Friday March 31, 2023 at Huntington City Hall located at 20 S. Main. The meeting will start promptly at 4:00 p.m.

Item of business: Input on selling city owned property. The property is described as: A portion of Parcel No: 01-0188-0001, approximately 1.5 acres of real property located on the NWC 300 South and Main Street, Huntington, Utah.

Posted this 17th day of March 2023

The undersigned, duly appointed City Recorder, does hereby certify that the above notice was posted in three public places within the Huntington City limits. These public places being 1) Huntington City Hall; 2) Desertview Federal Credit Union; and 3) the U.S. Post Office. Public Notice Website and Huntington City Website.

Jenene Hansen
Huntington City Recorder

Published in the ETV Newspaper March 22 and March 29, 2023.

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