Natural Causes will perform during the evening activities for the fundraiser. ETV News stock photo by Jeff Barrett.
Carbon County Press Release
Carbon County is pleased to announce the 11th annual Carbon County Fundraiser (formerly known as the Mike Ballard Memorial Fundraiser) sponsored by the employees of Carbon County. The fundraiser will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2020 and all proceeds from the event will benefit this year’s chosen recipient, the Domestic Violence Coalition of Carbon County.
Events for the fundraiser will include a four-person team scramble golf tournament at the Carbon Country Club at noon followed by dinner and a live auction at the Carbon County Events Center at 6 p.m. Following that will be a concert with the band Natural Causes featuring Mark Koelbel from KUTV 2 News. They play classic rock, are family friendly and are a true highlight for the event.
Over the years, the fundraiser has generated much needed financial assistance to individuals in need from our community or organizations that make a significant contribution to our area.
Be on the lookout for posters with details. To sign up for the tournament or for any other questions, contact Kellie Payne at (435) 636-3708. Additional contacts include Rose Barnes at (435) 636-3290, Tom King at (435) 637-2388, Casey Hopes at (435) 636-3272 or Frank Ori at (435) 636-3702.