Carbon County Sheriff’s Office is accepting sealed bids to update the Carbon County Hazard Mitigation Plan. This Hazard Mitigation Planning effort is to provide a five year update to the Carbon County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. This includes reevaluating the Carbon County risk/ vulnerability assessment and review, revise, update and create new Carbon County mitigation strategies. This process could include but is not limited to attending meetings, hosting meetings, contacting stake holders, assessing risks, reviewing old plans, ect.

Planning to be included will be Earthquake, Mud/Landslide, Fire, Dam/Levee Break, Severe Storm(s), Drought, Flood, and any other type of Emergency that may need to be addressed.

Schedule: The whole planning process needs to be completed and submitted July 3rd, 2023. There is a set of time frames that each bullet within the timetable that has to be met within the July 3rd deadline. For full timetable contact Justin Needles.

Pricing: Must be under $41,500.00.

Carbon County will accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid with the options it deems most important within the price range set forth above. Bids must be received in a sealed envelope marked “PDM Update” no later than 5:00p.m. on May 3, 2022, and addressed to the Carbon County Auditor, 751 East 100 North, Price, Utah.

Bids will be opened during a regular Commission meeting on May 4th, 2022 at 4:30p.m. Please contact Carbon County Emergency Manager Justin Needles at (435) 636-3742 with questions.

Published in the ETV Newspaper April 27, 2022.

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