The Price City Main Street Program is accepting written proposals to contract with a person or entity/organization to provide and perform the duties and in the capacity of Main Street Coordinator. Proposals must include the following minimum information:

1. Full contact information including email, telephone and postal address.

2. Resume or other pertinent information identifying qualifications and experience to successfully provide necessary services.

3. Disclosure of any known, potential or perceived conflicts of interest.

4. Rate per month for services provided.

5. Minimum of three (3) professional references with full and accurate contact information.

6. Proposals must be dated and signed.

Sealed proposals must be delivered via United States Postal Service to Nick Tatton at 185 East Main Street / P.O. Box 893, Price, UT 84501 or hand delivered to: Nick Tatton at 185 East Main Street. Proposals are due on or before 12:00pm Noon on March 10th, 2022 to be considered. The full RFP document may be obtained by contacting Nick Tatton at 435-636-3184 or nickt@priceutah.net

Published in the ETV Newspaper February 9, February 16, February 23, March 2 and March 9, 2022.

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