Roads Closed Due to Snowmelt


A below average snowpack coupled with recent warm temperatures have resulted in melting conditions all across the Manti-La Sal National Forest. “Elevations below 8000 feet have lost much of their snow already,” commented Darren Olsen, Ferron/Price District Ranger. “Each year we close gates during the snowmelt period to protect the investment we have in roads and trails and to prevent unnecessary resource damage. Several gates have now been closed in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM).”

Forest roads now closed for the snowmelt period include:

Miller Flat # 50014:  Gate closed at junction with Lowry Water Road

Ferron Canyon #50022:  Gate closed on dugway below Ferron Canyon Overlook

Cottonwood Canyon #50040:  Gate closed at junction with Mill Canyon

Seasonal closures for roads on Horn Mountain, OHV trails such as the Hole, Black Dragon, Lord’s and Rock Canyon trails, and motorcycle trails such as Dry Wash, Middle, and Rim trails will also remain in place until April 15 to protect wildlife on winter range. These closures are identified on the MVUM and are in effect each year between Dec. 1 and April 15.

For further information or to receive updates on these closures please contact the Ferron/Price Ranger District in Ferron at (435)-384-2372 or the Forest Supervisor’s office in Price at (435)-637-2817.

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