Rumors of a Recent Lockdown at Castle Heights Are Unfounded


Castle Heights Elementary has not been onВ lockdownВ and students at the school have not been in danger.

More than a week after a news story on about an arrest of a man who led Castle Heights Elementary School Officials to believe he was an undercover policeman, rumors of a lockdownВ at the school began to circulate. School Principal Jan Cox said the school has not been onВ lockdownВ and if it had been, parents would have been notified immediately through the school information phone system. The man was arrested because he is a convicted felon and was in possession of a firearm. He did not threaten anyone at the school.

Cox said that no one ever felt like the man who came to school to pick up his stepchildren was a threat and no one was ever in danger. He stated he could not give out his cell phone number when he was asked to provide contact information from the school. Because of his refusal school officials contacted Price City Police. The action was not related to threatening behavior.

Until today, Cox had not received inquiries about the incident from concerned parents or children. She did say that often during the day classroom doors are closed to minimize distractions from hallways. All school doors lock automatically and anyone entering the classroom would need to knock to enter. It is part of the ongoing safety for the children and not due to an ongoing lockdown.

Cox is concerned about the rumors and panic and welcomes parents to come in and speak with her or any of the staff. The school has an extensive parent notification calling system in place as well as a Facebook page. Any sort of lockdown or drill is sent to the parents through use of that network.

Carbon CountyВ SchoolВ Superintendent Steve Carlson said he had spoken with Principal Cox and felt the situation had been handled correctly and was well in control.

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