On Wednesday morning, students at San Rafael Jr. High took part in Career Day and Reality Town.
The seventh and eight graders rotated through eight different career presentations by members of the community. Participants included the Emery County Sheriff’s Office, USU Eastern Cosmetology, Johansen & Tuttle Engineering, Lori Huntington and Shelby Baegley (nursing), Stephanie Chamberlain (owning small business), Wayne Roberts (computer repair), James Huggard (NRCS) and the National Guard. The presenters explained the education needed to enter their field and talked about some of the unique aspects of their careers.
Meanwhile, ninth grade students participated in a program called Reality Town. Students were given a life scenario that included a job they applied for, how much money they made, if they were single or married and how many children they had.
“They were given a chance to be 30 years old,” Lucy Robbins, the school’s counselor, explained.
Students were able to walk around a mock town and buy the things that they needed, such as day care, a car, housing and groceries. The goal of the activity was to show students the type of careers they need for the lifestyle they are aiming for.