Staying Engaged in Your Child’s Life Will Greatly Lower Their Risk of Underage Drinking


Each year, the CARE Coalition teams up with Castleview Hospital and Little Caesars to invite members of the community to pick up a free pizza at one of four locations, encouraging families to come together to enjoy a meal, engage in conversation and get to know one another better.

One reason that this is hosted each year in the hopes that family bonds become stronger and teenagers are less likely to be tempted to consume alcohol at a young age.

According to Parents Empowered’s website, the peak ages of brain plasticity happen right after birth as well as between the ages of 12 to 24. This plasticity leaves the brain vulnerable as it develops, which can be negatively affected by alcohol consumption. Reportedly, 40 percent of kids that drink before age 15 will become alcohol dependent, while 67 percent of teens that drink before the same age also go on to use illegal drugs. Additionally, 43 percent of teens who drank in the last year did so at home with their parents’ permission.

While those statistics are alarming, frightening and overwhelming, there are many ways that parents may become more involved in their adolescent’s lives and assist in preventing them from consuming alcohol at such a young age.

The first skill is bonding. It is recommended that a parent attempts to spend at least 15 minutes per day one-on-one with their child. Doing fun activities, eating dinner together, listening and supporting, staying close to your children and creating a positive home environment all also work to prevent your teen from these dangers.

The second skill is to set clear rules, boundaries and expectations. Teaching your adolescent of the risks of underage drinking at an early age is pertinent. Discussing with them what to do if alcohol is present is also a key element, followed by consistently enforcing the rules. Finally, helping your child choose their friends wisely greatly helps to reduce the risk of them experimenting in areas that they should not.

The final skill is to monitor: who, what, when and where. Know your children’s activities, observe their emotional well-being, know their friends and friend’s parents, ensure an alcohol-free environment and keep in touch with your teen.

Parents Empowered is a statewide initiative that is aimed at wiping out underage drinking in Utah. More information on the organization can be found by clicking here.

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