STEM Family Night at Castle Dale Library Features Robots and Fun


Submitted by Roxanne Jensen, Castle Dale Library 

The Castle Dale Library hosted the second Hands On STEM Family Night on December 29 at 6:30 p.m. Over 20 people braved the winter night to make it a successful program.

Christine Jensen from  USU Extension helped the children program LEGObots on the computers while Camille Thomas and Roxanne Jensen helped the children make their very own Colorbot to take home. The theme for this STEM class was connection. The children made connections from the computers to the robots as well as from the batteries to the motors on the Colorbots.

The program began with an overview of connections as Roxanne and Camille read a selection of robotic stories. Door prizes where given away and everyone left with their Colorbots.

January 19 will feature the next Book Discussion STEM night for adults at the Castle Dale Courthouse. The program has partnered with Kelly and Tennille Larsen, who will be sharing their experiences making monuments. It will also be at 6:30 p.m.

The book being discuessed is “Thunderstruck” by Erik Larson. The book is available for check out, so interested parties are encouraged to go in and get them now. Remember, reading the book is preferred but not required to attend. Everyone is invited to come out and have a nice time. This program is made possible from a grant from the National Science Foundation.

As a matter of FYI: This December, the Castle Dale Library and a few volunteers answered around 180 Santa letters for the community. Story-times will begin on Wednesday, January 10 at 11:30.There is a lot going on at the library so come on in and check us out!

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