There will be a Strength In Family night on Jan. 28 at Carbon High School beginning with a spaghetti dinner at 5:30 p.m. The event is free and in addition to the dinner, there will be speakers and workshops designed to help parents in many aspects of education and parenting.
All parents, grandparents and community members are welcome.
Childcare will be provided throughout the night by FCCLA.
Carbon School District students may work off U’s in citizenship by attending with a
parent and filling out provided forms.
5:30 Spaghetti dinner
5:50 Speakers start
6:15-6:45 Breakout Session 1
6:50-7:20 Breakout Session 2
7:25-7:55 Breakout Session 3
8:00 Refreshments
Workshops will cover the following:
-Parents Empowered
-Single parents
-Stretching a dollar/ finances
-Professional skills
-Communicating with a child
-Transitioning to middle school
-Transitioning to high school
-How to help children with math
-Electronics safety