Support Continues to Flood in for Frank Ori


Local radio host, county employee and friend to everyone Frank Ori suffered from a severe stroke early Sunday morning and has been hospitalized ever since.

Since the time this tragic news was made public, community members have been asking what they can do to help.  There have been many heartwarming stories of Ori shared on social media and an abundant measure of love support shown to Ori and his family from the community.

There have also been numerous community members wondering where or how they can donate financially to help the family with medical costs and other needs they may have as a direct result of this tragedy.

An account has been established at Eastern Utah Community Credit Union called “The Frank Ori Fundraiser,” and money can be donated there.

Ori’s wife Kristine said it best in this Facebook post. “Our family has truly felt loved this past day. Maybe as you think about Frank today you could find a way to brighten someone else’s day. We love all of our friends and family so much. I honestly don’t have words to express my gratitude to all of you. Thank you all so much.”

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