Many that utilize Emery Animal Health believe that the county’s animal shelter and the veterinary clinic are one in the same. However, this is not the case. While the shelter is housed within Emery Animal Health and Dr. Glen Jensen works with the animals that come through, they are two separate operations.
The shelter is funded through the county while the clinic is a personally-owned entity. With that in mind, the shelter does not receive the same amount of funding as other shelters in rural areas. Which in many instances ties the hands of Dr. Jensen and staff on how much they can preform and do even though all of the staff at Emery and Carbon Animal Health want to help in every single way possible.
There are many instances that Dr. Jensen works out of pocket and loses monies assisting local animals. Recently, a puppy with parvo, dropped off by the owner to be euthanized, visited the shelter and had a bill that racked up to over $600. This was paid entirely by Dr. Jensen and staff through donated time and monies, without other funding opportunities available.
While there is a need for a bigger facility and a wish to care for all of the animals that come through the doors the way they deserve, funding puts a big road block up. In Emery County, the budget allowance for all things related to the animal shelter and animal control is under $40,000. When considering food, water, housing, vaccinations, medical needs, building upkeep and more, $40,000 for animals that Dr. Jensen and staff take in isn’t even scratching the surface. Funding falls short of what they really need and want to do to adequately take care of these pets.
When looking to other counties such as Carbon, the animal control budget is nearly $200,000. While the shelter in Emery works diligently, assistance from those that reside within the county is pertinent to make real changes and allow the shelter as a whole, which is mostly volunteer ran, as well as Dr. Jensen help the local animals to the best of their abilities.
Those that are interested to learn more, including ways to help out, may contact Emery Animal Health at (435) 381-2539.