The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration has received an application to lease the surface of the following described acreage:
Township 20 South, Range 16 East
Section 8: Lots 7, 8, 10, 11
Section 9: SW¼NW ¼
Containing 192.75 acres, more or less
Any individual wishing to submit a competing application to purchase, lease, and/or exchange for this property, a portion thereof, or a parcel including any of the above-described acreage, should also file an application and the appropriate application fee(s).
The Trust Lands Administration will accept competing applications during the following period of time:
From 8:00 A.M.
FRIDAY, August 2, 2019
Until 5:00 P.M.
MONDAY, August 26, 2019
2031 South Industrial Park Road
Richfield, UT 84701
(435) 896-2559
Reference No.: SULA 1911
The Trust Lands Administration reserves the right to reject any application or subsequent bids
Published in ETV News on July 31, 2019 and August 7 and 14, 2019.