The Swell Utah Trails: New Grant Available to Develop Trails and Recreational Amenities


Emery County Travel Bureau Press Release

The Emery County Travel Bureau, in partnership with the Emery County Trails Committee, has created a new grant program: The Swell Utah Trails Grant Program. The grant program aims to improve both local recreational options and improve the visitor experience through the development of recreational amenities in Emery County.

Eligible projects, including trail building, are eligible to receive up to $12,500 in matching funds. All grants must be matched 50:50 and at least 75% of the matching funds for the project must be secured in order to apply.

1) Application Submissions: Applicants are encouraged to submit applications early in the year, as this is a first come, first serve funding process.
2) Staff Review: Travel Bureau Staff will reach out if there is any additional information needed and forward complete applications to the Trails Committee.
3) Approval: The Trails Committee will decide whether or not a project/event will be recommended for approval by the Travel Board and Emery County Commission.
4) Final Approval: The Travel Bureau Staff will present applications recommended by the Trails & Travel Board at the Commission meeting.
5) Invoice for First Check: If your application was approved by Emery County Commission, you will be notified about the amount and how much to invoice for.
6) Progress Reports: Every six months you will submit a progress report. You will be sent the report via email.
7) Final Report: Final Report and all project/event related invoices must be submitted within 90 days of project/event completion.

Feb. 18: Application Open
March 13 (5PM): Application Close
April 10: Grants Awarded
Oct. 9: Six Month Report
April 9, 2021: Twelve Month Report
Oct. 8, 2021: Eighteen Month Report
April 8, 2022: Final Report

The application can be found at online at

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