Two Korean War Veterans Receive Honor Flights


By Julie Johansen

Ray Quinn and Mac Sitterud, both Korean War veterans, were given the flight of a lifetime on a recent Utah Honor Fight.

Mac’s son Shawn had considered applying for his father for a long time after seeing participants of several such flights as he traveled. He retrieved an application online and filled it out for his father and Quinn. After a few months, they received word from the organization that they would be honored.

Each veteran participant needs a guardian (escort). Quinn invited his son Danny and Shawn accompanied his father and the four of them embarked on what they have all remarked was a wonderful experience.

From the time they entered the National Guard Readiness Center, they were treated with honor and respect. They were driven from the center to the airport in a bus with the Patriot Riders (motorcycles) as escorts. Once at the airport, they were pushed in wheelchairs while bagpipes played and on-lookers cheered and applauded.

There were 53 veterans and 53 guardians on their flight from Salt Lake City to San Jose, Calif. and on to Virginia. This flight included five World War II veterans who, because of their seniority, were always first. They visited all the National Archives and Memorials of each war or conflict.

One of their biggest surprises was the great respect and adoration of teenagers they met at various places on their trip. Upon returning home, they were once again greeted, this time by family members and friends who cheered to honor them.

Mac served his country by enlisting in the Navy. His assignment was as a ship mechanic for four years. Ray enlisted in the Air Force as an aircraft engine mechanic. His service lasted for eight years. They both served in or around Pusan, Korea.

“The trip restored my faith in humanity. People are wonderful,” Shawn shared.

Both mens want to encourage all veterans to take the opportunity of participating in an Honor Flight. “It makes you feel like it wasn’t all for nothing,” said Mac.

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