United Way Wraps Up Community Needs Assessment.



On January 23, the United Way hosted their last community needs assessment meeting, which has wrapped up eight months of collecting data from local agencies, programs, and residents.


The community assessment will serve as a guideline for the United Way of Eastern Utah to better serve the needs of the area. The process began with a survey sent out through the school district, chamber of commerce, and the individual municipalities. The survey focused on what residents of Eastern Utah view is the most serious issues facing the area. В The survey addressed financial issues, education, health, drug abuse, and more.

450 surveys were submitted and reviewed, and after data had been compiled three main areas had the highest response: income, youth, and drug abuse.

According to the community survey, residents feel there are not enough economic opportunities in the area, and citizens struggle with money management. Residents also believe there are not enough opportunities for the community’s youth, tempting them to make unhealthy life choices. Finally, Drug abuse was mentioned as a main concern in the community.

After these three issues had been brought to light, the United Way sponsored numerous community issue forums to hear community input on how the United Way can address these issues.

“Participants were encouraged to share personal experiences and opinion on community matters,” said Annalee Howland with the United Way of Eastern Utah.     “This project was a combined effort between multiple agencies, SEUALG, UCAP, United Way of Eastern Utah, Carbon County RSVP, and The Juvenile Justice Center.”

Now the United Way has held their last meeting, the team will compile a full report of the process and how the program will try and address the issues.


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