USU Eastern: More Than Just Degrees


USU Eastern offers various courses that lead to degrees in areas such as mining, automotive technology, cosmetology and much more. What many may not know is that the school also offers additional courses, programs and certificates that provide college preparation, enhance work skills and offer new opportunities to students and community members. The Center of Workforce Development at Eastern spearheads these programs that focus on preparing potential students for college courses and assisting workers in enhancing their skills.

Those looking to attend college after years without formal education could benefit from college prep courses. Future students could brush up on skills such as reading, writing and math, which are all offered online.

“All people can’t start right into college,” explained Center of Workforce Development Staff Assistant Connie Dyreng. “Sometimes it is best to brush up on certain skills to better prepare for college course. We can help with that.”

In addition to college prep classes, the center also offers skills courses that help enhance performance in the workplace. Computer courses include training for Microsoft Office, computer basics and QuickBooks 2012. Office management courses are also offered and include keyboarding, ten-key, records management, workplace communications, job seeking techniques, business leadership, employment relations and customer service.

“The courses help people that already have jobs expand their knowledge and improve their performance,” Dyreng explained. “Courses can also be tailored to fit an individual business’ needs.”

Programs and certificates are also offered to enhance work skills. Certifications for customer service, front office and Microsoft Office are available through the center.

For more information regarding these courses or to register, contact the Center for Workforce Development at (435) 613-5440 or stop by their office at 420 North 300 East in Price.


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