By Julie Johansen
Margie Memott, Southern Region Director for USU Extension Service, reported to the Emery County Commissioners Tuesday afternoon on the hiring procedure to fill the vacancy left by the retiring of Dennis Worwood, the extension agent for Emery County. She stated they are in the process of accepting applications. The finalists will then be interviewed, then each chosen applicant will give a presentation on the web. These presentations will be for the public and comments, concerns and insights will be welcomed.
Worwood, although retired, gave a report on the Southeastern Utah Junior Livestock Show. He thanked everyone for their support for the biggest show in the state this year. There were 320 exhibitors, 530 animals, $30,000 given in awards and prizes, and an auction of $250,000. There are five shows in Utah open statewide and many express this one is their favorite, according to Worwood. The commissioners thanked Worwood for his service to the county.
Also at the commission meeting, Merrill Johansen of Johansen & Tuttle Engineering announced that bids are being received on the Joe’s Valley boat ramp and parking lot extensions. The bids will be opened Thursday and work should begin within 10 days following the bid award.
Next, a grant from the Utah Department of Transportation for a regularly-scheduled rehabilitation of the runway at Huntington Airport was approved. Also, a cooperative agreement with the Utah Department of Natural Resources for weed control along the Green River received approval. An agreement between USDA and Emery County regarding predator damage control was also approved. Castle Dale City requested a letter of support to apply for a grant to build pickle ball courts, and approval was given for a letter to be written.
Jeramy Jorgensen, Emery County fire chief, asked Emery County for the approval of a memorandum of understanding between Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands and Emery County. This would allow the procurement of county resources for fire suppression. The commissioners felt that they needed to discuss this with the county fire chiefs before signing, so the motion was tabled until next month. Emery County Attorney Mike Olsen and the commissioners stated that they needed more input regarding decisions made that affect the county, such as controlled burns. They also announced that they were planning on purchasing a new ambulance to be on standby for fire crews.
A contract between Emery County and Utah Association of Counties (UAC) regarding the creation of a project area for a community reconstruction agency project was approved. Three bids had been received and the UAC bid of $15,000 was compared and approved. This will be advantageous to the county in dealing with a proposed solar farm as it will increase economic development and school funds. The funds for this will be reimbursed by the solar company as pertaining to the approved contract with Community Solar.
Randy Johnson spoke to the commission on the status of the Emery County Lands Bill in the hands of the United States Congress. He reported that time is very important right now in getting this bill passed. It will be before the Senate committee for mark-up in mid-September. This will accommodate an amendment, which will include other lands bills, making a public land bills package. This should aid in the passage of the bill as there would not be enough time to go forward as a solo bill. At the Senate hearing, a senator from Oregon spoke in favor or the bill.