Utah’s Incumbent Lieutenant Governor Visits Local Health Department


Utah’s Incumbent Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson visited the Southeast Utah Health Department (SEUHD) on Thursday to talk all things COVID-19 vaccine related with local SEUHD representatives.

The Lt. Gov. stated that she was excited to be in Price and that the department has been doing a great job. Her purpose for visiting was to offer support and find out what resources may be needed to ensure that they are successful in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccine program and to make sure that additional doses are given to as many as possible.

The vaccinations are received each Monday, according to Bradon Bradford of the SEUHD, and they generally know for about three weeks out what the allotment will be.

The Lt. Gov. stated that the general mood of the vaccination in Utah has been really grateful. She stated that they encountered a few that were hesitant, but for the most part, people are excited and there is a great demand for the vaccine. Her message for the day was that if 100% of the vaccines in the SEUHD’s possession are administered, more can likely be received faster.

Bradford stated that as the vaccines are opened to the 70+ age group, it seems as if everybody wants it thus far, with the need hovering at around 60 or 70% in the positive. At this time, they are primarily looking for people to register online at the SEUHD website but recognize that does not work for everyone. Individuals are also welcome to call the department.

Each clinic has a certain number of vaccines available for those that register and they will reach out to those that have called to let them know when their scheduled time is. Again, it was reiterated the vaccines are being offered specifically to those 70 and older at this time.

It was reported that there may be some changes to the timeline of administering. However, Lt. Gov. Henderson stated that there has not been a drastic change at this time. The health departments are being encouraged not to spread out the doses but rather to administer them as quickly as possible.

The Lt. Gov. stated that she wished for the public to understand that it may take a few weeks to get in, but they are doing their best. As of Wednesday evening, it was reported that 1,086 vaccines have been administered in Southeast Utah. There are small clinics in Moab and Castle Dale that will use the rest of current stock, putting the area at just over 1,100.

Henderson said that she wished to give a shoutout to the local health departments and public health workers, stating that they are relied on always but especially for the past year. Lt. Gov. Henderson cited them as critical partners that are still offering all of the other services on a day-to-day basis on top of everything else and the state is incredibly grateful.

“They’re just doing incredible work,” she stated.

She continued by explaining that a week ago, there were around 68,000 vaccines administered and on Thursday it was over 130,000. She said that everyone is excited about finally playing offense instead of just defense.

“This is the means to the end of the pandemic,” she concluded.

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