Zone Change for Local Address Accepted by Helper City Council


In the midst of all of the fun being had at the annual Catholic Carnival at the Helper Civic Auditorium, the Helper City Council and a number of the community gathered for the regularly scheduled council meeting for the month of November.

During this meeting, the city council members mulled over the request for a zone change on Hamilton property 250 North Martin Road. A number of residents that live near that area spoke against this being approved for a handful of reasons. However, the biggest concern was the accessibility.

This property is accessed across the river by bridge. The owners of the property and subsequent bridge state that the only issue with the bridge is that it only needs resurfacing. There was much debate by not only the council members but the community members present as well.

In the end, although two of the council members did not agree with the approval, the zone change was approved due to majority rule.

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