Little Cities of Hope: Get Outside This Summer to Improve Health


By Taylor Cook

Here at the Southeast Utah Health Department we love to push the importance of getting active. Especially outside on these beautiful summer days! Getting a good dose of vitamin D from the sun does wonders for your mental health! Playing outside can lower cortisol (stress) levels, boost self-esteem, and can aid in better sleep at night.

We are so fortunate to live in Carbon and Emery Counties where we are surrounded by walking trails and parks. A good goal is to try to find just one way to get yourself and your loved ones outside each day this summer. Here are some fun ideas to get you started:

  • Take a moment to get outside, breathe the fresh air, and run your toes through the lush green grass!
  • Instead of driving to the park, try walking or biking to the park.
  • Eat dinner outside as a family and play yard games together.
  • Paint rocks with cheerful messages and drop them along popular trails for people to find.

Remember that any time outside is better than no time outside. Healthy individuals lead to a healthy community! If you are unaware about the local parks and trails in our area, and both provide great information regarding outdoor activities in our area. Start your journey today and explore all that our communities have to offer, and improve wellbeing along the way!

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