Price City Police Captain Bill Barnes to Retire in 2020


Barnes on April 1, 2020.

Well-known and widely-admired Price City Police Department (PCPD) Captain Bill Barnes began working at the department on May 1, 1984. From there, he was appointed captain on June 1, 2012.

Barnes chose a career in law enforcement due to the desire to help people, particularly the victimized. He also wished to do whatever possible to help many get back on track if they had strayed.

When prompted to choose his favorite part of being in law enforcement, Barnes stated that he thoroughly enjoyed forging relationships on behalf of the department with other related agencies and people. It came as a no-brainer for Barnes to state that he would miss the people that he worked with the most. There are a number that he has worked with for over 30 years, with many as well over 20 years.

Barnes and his family will continue to reside within Carbon County. He credited loving all of the surrounding cities, as well as Emery County.

Barnes will retire from his position officially on May 16 of this year, which his actual final day of work being May 15. In March, Brandon Ratcliffe was announced as Barnes’ replacement.

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