In What Ways Other Than Voting Can People Get Involved in Politics?


By Evelyn Halk

The NextWave question for August is: “In what ways other than voting can people get involved in politics?”

While voting is incredibly important, it is far from the only option. Here are some ways to get involved in politics and ensure your voice is heard in your community!

1. Present Solutions to Local Problems
If you notice problems in your community, bring your ideas to those who can make a change! Mayor Micheal Kourianos of Price explained that the council wants to support the people who have constructive ideas. Whether it’s a safety concern or a community event your idea could have big results!

2. Attend Council Meetings
Even if you’re not the one with all the ideas you can still get involved, being informed about decisions and events happening around you is a powerful way to engage in your community. Cami Carlson, an English and History teacher at Carbon High School encourages those interested to attend city and county council meetings. “Hear the decisions being made on your behalf and know who those (council) members are so you can talk to them if needed.”

3. Know Your Representatives
Understand who your local representatives are. They are there to serve your interests but they can only do that if they know what those interests are! Reach out with questions or ideas when you have them. Building a relationship with these decision-makers can help to amplify your voice and influence.

Your voice matters, and there are many ways for it to be heard beyond the ballot box. Take action and help shape your community. If you have a question you want answered, send it my way!

NextWave Politics

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