A proposed new subdivision on Shepherd Drive in Wellington has a lot of residents up in arms.
Those same residents approached Wellington City Councilmen on Wednesday evening to discuss their issues about the proposed 25-lot subdivision. Residents’ issues have ranged from traffic to water.
“We have no problems with two houses being built,” said resident Bill Knott who lives on Shepherd Drive, up the street from the proposedВ constructionВ site. “But when 25 are built, then we do.”
He also raised concerns about the hill that leads to the subdivision that has no sidewalk. Knott explained children have to walk down the hill to reach the bus stop during the school year. Shepherd Drive is accessed by turning off Hillcrest Drive, the same road the children use to walk to the bus stop.
“We would love to see a sidewalk there if we had the money for it,” said Mayor Ben Blackburn.
Mike Metzger, a Circle K Construction representative, was also in attendance to address the issue. Circle K is the construction company wishing to build on the proposed site.
MetzgerВ assured everyone in attendance that he and the company would consider every issue and wouldn’t try to “sneak something in.”
Councilmen Kirt Tatton motioned to move the item back to planning and zoning to resolve the issues before it is presented again to the council for approval.