Castle Dale City Visitor Center Unveiled


By Julie Johansen

Castle Dale City is excited to announce the opening of its new visitor center at 390 East Main.

A ribbon cutting on Friday marked this special event for the city. In March of 2015, the Economic Development Committee presented plans for the center to the city council and the council approved this in April of 2015. Actual construction of the building began in March and was done by the city maintenance crew of Castle Dale.

Many volunteer hours have added to the actual site. Gerald Burke completed beautiful brickwork and a large rock art panel inside the building was constructed and painted by Larry Sweeten from Sweeten Dry Wall. The back wall on the outside of the building will feature a fun climbing wall and is in the process of being completed. The building is 28’ x 10’ and also has two outside restrooms that will always be open to the public.

It is the hope of the city that visitors looking for things to do and see and how to find these places will use the brochures and friendly information found here. The Emery High Sterling Scholars will be contributing service hours at the center as well as other volunteers from the area. Funding for the center came from city budget and grants mayor Danny Van Wagoner applied for through Tom Adams, the state director of recreation.

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