Carbon County Historical Society Tours Bryner Museum


Price City is home to the historic Bryner Museum. The museum, located at the corner of 68 South and 100 East, was built in 1892 by the Bryner family. Hans Ulrich Bryner traveled from Switzerland and found a home base for his family, including son Albert Bryner.

The Bryner home was restored over the course of the past thirteen years by museum curator Sue Christensen and the gracious help of many community members. Christensen welcomed the members of the Carbon County Historical Society into the museum on Thursday evening to tour the museum.

Rich with history, Christensen gave a brief background of the Bryner family. The museum, donned with many old photographs, furniture and more, played a large part in assisting Christensen with the tale. At one point in the home’s history, it was turned into a morgue that a woman owned and operated while also teaching piano lessons. One member of the historical society recalls the morgue owner being her piano instructor.

The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with the establishment being closed on Sundays and Mondays. Those who are interested may also call (435) 630-1969 for a private tour.

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