Utah’s Wildlife Director to Help Lead U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Photo of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Director Greg Sheehan with a frog found during a survey in Utah.

Director Sheehan will bring a successful track record to Washington, D.C.

Press Release

Salt Lake City (June 5, 2017) – Greg Sheehan, director of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR), has provided exemplary leadership on wildlife issues in Utah and will soon serve as the new deputy director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Based on Sheehan’s successful track record and commitment to conservation, we’re confident the nation’s wildlife is in good hands.

Sheehan is passionate about wildlife and working with the public on wildlife issues. He has built coalitions of regional and national peers, conservation organizations, local stakeholders and other partners to deliver groundbreaking results. He is an avid hunter, fisherman and wildlife photographer who has served as DWR’s director since 2012.
“Greg is leaving Utah’s wildlife in outstanding shape — even better than when he started,” said Utah Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Executive Director Mike Styler. “I’ve been so impressed with the way he builds partnerships and public support to benefit wildlife.”

Sheehan earned his undergraduate degree at Utah State University and later received an MBA. His passion for wildlife — and his years of wildlife agency leadership — have given him a deep understanding of the issues and complexities involved in wildlife management.

Over the course of his 25-year career in natural resources, Sheehan has played a pivotal role in many remarkable accomplishments:

● Restoring many of Utah’s fish and wildlife species to levels not seen in more than 125 years
● Increasing Utah’s mule deer population by more than 100,000 animals within the past four years
● Improving and restoring more than 1.3 million acres of wildlife habitat as part of Utah’s Watershed Restoration Initiative
● Working to conserve greater sage grouse, so a listing under the Endangered Species Act was unnecessary
● Launching a new migration initiative that uses cutting-edge technology to better understand and manage wildlife populations
● Creating the Utah Cutthroat Slam, a program to generate conservation funding for Utah’s four native trout species

● Cultivating the public’s passion for wildlife and conservation through expanded youth hunting and fishing days, annual pheasant releases and other hands-on wildlife events
● Serving in leadership positions in multiple national wildlife organizations
“As he heads to Washington, D.C., Greg’s experience and enthusiasm will serve him well. He is a trusted public servant and has been a lifelong advocate for wildlife conservation,” Styler said. “He has resolved complex wildlife issues by helping diverse interests find common ground. He is a true leader and his work ethic and dedication to wildlife are an example for his peers nationwide.”
“It has been an honor to serve as Utah’s wildlife director and to work with such dedicated, hard-working professionals,” Sheehan said. “We’ve made great strides in wildlife research and management that will have far-reaching benefits for many species and the people who care about them.”
Although we are sad to see him leave, we look forward to working with Sheehan in his new position and are excited to see others recognize his extraordinary qualifications. We wish him well and look forward to seeing his consensus-building, common-sense solutions applied to national wildlife issues.
DWR Deputy Director Mike Fowlks will serve as interim director until a permanent hiring decision is made.


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