2019 CHS Graduates Participate in Honored Senior Walk


Photos courtesy of Carbon School District

May is always an exciting time for students as they gear up for the end of the school year and summer vacation. It is especially exciting, while at times being bittersweet, for high school seniors as they face graduation.

As a way for the Carbon High School senior class to reminisce and inspire the younger students of the county, a senior walk through the Carbon School District schools is hosted each year around this time. This year, the walk took place on May 20 and had a large amount of the senior class visiting the elementary and middle schools.

Donning their caps and gowns, the students traipsed through the halls of the schools, shaking hands and high-fiving with the younger generations. Many of the younger students also made signs for the seniors with encouraging words or handed roses and other flowers to them as they passed by. One school even welcomed the seniors and other students to briefly enjoy a bounce slide.

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