Great Customer Service to be Topic of BEAR Meeting


BEAR Press Release

A presentation on Nov. 21 will be made by Rob Powell of USU Eastern concerning how businesses and their employees can give their customers great service that will help bring customers back time and time again.

Powell is a homegrown product of Carbon County. He has been teaching behavioral and work-related communications classes for the past 19 years at USU Eastern as a lecturer. He has an MBA in Human Resources Management from Utah State University. He is also a licensed State Social Worker for the state of Utah.

He has been married for 27 years to is wife Rachael and they have four daughters, to which he attributes his bald head. He has also coached high school football and track for over 10 years. He comes from a family of educators. His father was a junior high wood shop teacher and his mother was a professor of English at the College of Eastern Utah.

BEAR’s mission is to inform, grow and improve business in the Castle Country area. The meeting will start at 8 a.m. and light refreshments will be served. Each general meeting never lasts more than one hour. BEAR meetings are held at the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center in the Alumni Room on the USU Eastern Campus in Price.

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