Price City Swears in Two Interim Board Members to Planning and Zoning Commission


Price City’s Planning and Zoning Commission will be back at full speed with the swearing in of two interim board members on Wednesday night at the Price City Council Meeting. Nancy Bentley and Todd Olsen will be filling vacancies and will serve until January 1, 2016.

Both of the new members are long time residents of Price and have been involved in many community activities throughout the years. Bentley is the executive Director of Active Re-Entry Independent Living Center and Olsen has lived in Price for 48 years and is an active community member looking forward to serving on the board.

Also at the council meeting, two businesses were approved after clearing the Planning and Zoning Commission. They were Castle Valley Service Training Gym at 97 E. 100 N. and West River Hospitality at 925 W. Westwood Blv. Representatives from West River Hospitality were on hand to answer questions and said that the construction of their hotel should begin within three to four weeks. There will be a ground-breaking ceremony to kick off construction.

As part of the discussion, Mayor Joe Piccolo stated that Price currently has over $50 million dollars invested in ongoing construction projects. Those include the West River project, housing on east Main Street and the county courthouse.

“These projects are buying local material and using a local workforce. They are keeping our economy moving in a tough time with energy development,” he explained after the meeting.

The Green Team’s Kris Kiahtipes requested $4,846.12 from funds that have been earmarked for Green Team projects. This money will be used to kick start a recycling project at Creekview Elementary school. If the project saves the projected amount of money for the school, Kiahtipes wants to approach the Carbon School District and have them mandate the program district wide. There will be a public hearing Nov. 13 at 6 p.m. for discussion and possible approval of these funds to the Green Team’s project.

In other business, human resource director John Daniels reported that the city will receive another rebate from its liability insurance carrier for premiums that were not used. He remarked that this reflects on the culture of safety within Price City. He had nothing but praise for the city workers who take their safety and the safety of every Price City resident seriously. The rebate is just over $33,000 and will be returned to the city coffers.

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