2021 Session Hits Halfway Point


By the Office of Representative Carl Albrecht

Week 4 of the Legislature is over, and we are officially halfway through the session. What a week it has been! Representative Albrecht has been able to participate in several meetings and has reviewed, sponsored and ran some exciting bills. Representative Albrecht continues to fight hard every day for rural Utah and is proud of the progress being made. He also spoke with many people from across out state.

On Monday, he was interviewed by KZMU Radio Moab where he discussed House Bill 247 Transient Room Tax Amendments. Representative Albrecht took questions about the bill and explained the numerous ways in which it will help support and revitalize Utah’s rural infrastructure, especially around tourist gateway communities. The bill passed through committee and is currently on the House Third Reading Calendar, where it is expected to pass.

In previous years, elementary students from across the state were invited to come to the Capitol to meet with their Representative and take a Capitol tour. Unfortunately, due to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, our amazing Utah students are unable to participate in such occasions. However, thanks to current technology, Representative Albrecht was able to speak with students from Pahvant Elementary School in Richfield, Utah. He enjoyed being able to speak with them and was impressed with their questions and desire to learn more about Utah’s Legislative Process. He looks forward to speaking with more students in the weeks to come. Speaking with Utah’s Youth is one of Representative Albrecht’s favorite parts of his Legislative duties.

Representative Albrecht was also able to sponsor and run multiple important bills throughout the week. He presented House Bill 111 Off-Highway Vehicle Amendments in the Senate Natural Resources Committee. This bill changes current regulations that prevent people under the age of 18 from riding off road vehicles. It passed the committee unanimously. On Thursday, it passed the second reading in the Senate with an unanimous vote.

Representative Albrecht was also asked by House Leadership to sponsor a bill supported by Governor Cox. On Thursday, Representative Albrecht ran House Concurrent Resolution 12 (Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Cooperative Action Regarding National Monuments). This is an incredibly important resolution that encourages cooperation with the Federal Government’s proposed actions regarding Utah’s great National Monuments. Utah deserves a seat at the table during these discussions. Representative Albrecht is proud to sponsor legislation to make sure Utahns are considered and heard in Washington.

Several other important bills were also brought before the House this week, including HB 278 Name Change Process for Dixie State University (Rep. Miles, K.). Though it has been controversial across the state, it passed the House this week in a 51-20-4 vote. Representative Albrecht voted against this bill. A complete list of bills passed by the House this week can be found below.

Representative Albrecht is enjoying the session and is excited about the bills he is running, as well as many of the bills that will help support and strengthen rural Utah. He also enjoys his communications with the fine people of his district. He thanks you for your input, concern and support. Utah citizens are a crucial part in the Legislative process. Always feel free to reach out via text or phone call with questions, concerns or input. We have also begun posting more information about the session and daily occurrences on Twitter with the hashtag #UtahHouseDistrict70.

Thank you and stay safe. You can contact me by email at carlalbrecht@le.utah.gov. You can also text or call me at (435) 979-6578. My intern is Chase Christensen, a senior at Utah State University. His email address is: cchristensen@le.utah.gov. His telephone number is (385) 420-3096. His Twitter is @ChaseJC97. Follow #UtahHouseDistrict70.

This Week’s Utah House of Representatives Newsletter

Week 4

Wishing you a safe and happy Valentine’s Day and President’s Day weekend!

For the first time in state history, legislators and the public are participating in the legislative session in person and virtually. You can watch committee meetings and floor time live at le.utah.gov.

Vaccine Volunteers

Governor Cox and Lieutenant Governor Henderson announced their goal to have all adult Utahns receive the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of May. In tackling this goal, there is a large need for willing and able volunteers.

House Policy Priorities

Mental Health

This week, the House Health and Human Services Committee passed HB 288 Education and Mental Health Coordinating Council. This bill creates a new council of educators, mental and behavioral health experts, and other advocates to advise the Governor and the Legislature. The council will provide action-oriented guidance to state leaders on how to meet the behavioral and mental health needs of children and family in our state.

Tax Relief

Several bills are making their way through the legislative process that will provide tax relief to many Utahns. Last week, H.B. 86 Social Security Amendments passed the House unanimously and if passed by the Senate, will benefit many living on a fixed income. Additionally, H.B. 161 Military Retirement Tax Amendments passed the House this week, which removes the tax on military retirement, benefiting those who have served our country. Finally, a bill is in the works to help restore the child dependent exemption.

Housing Affordability

HB 82 Single Family Housing Amendments. This bill passed out of the House Business and Labor Committee this week. This bill, sponsored by Representative Ray Ward, helps increase housing availability and relieve pressure on prices by decreasing regulations in housing.

Podcast – Economic Development Incentives

Utah’s economic growth has been incredible these last few decades, but that growth and economic strength are far from reaching their peak. Representative Hawkes joins us on the show this week to talk about more ways Utah is staging itself to be the country’s economic leader.

Chris Stewart Visits Caucus

Each session, we look forward to visiting with our congressional delegation. This week, Congressman Chris Stewart visited the House Majority Caucus. We discussed his role in D.C. and how we can best support one another in fulfilling our duties to represent the people of Utah.

Sarah’s Bill

This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Sarah Frei and her parents to the House Floor. Sarah was involved in a car accident over the summer, resulting in the loss of her legs. Sarah’s optimistic outlook is truly inspiring. HB 20 Driving Under the Influence Sentencing Amendments, nicknamed “Sarah’s Bill,” will create stricter bail terms for DUI offenses.

Freshman Highlight

Newly elected to District 60, Representative Nelson Abbott is passionate about helping those with mental health issues and pushing for tax cuts. He has a B.A. in Economics, a J.D., and an M.B.A. from Brigham Young University. He now works there as an adjunct professor, aside from running his small business, Abbott Law Firm. In his free time, he loves to snow ski and water ski, fly RC planes, scuba dive and spend time with his four kids and two grandkids.

Flag Display

The U.S. Flag Code is the governing document that provides official guidance on all things to do with the American Flag, including the manner of display and instructions on how the flag is not to be used. The code does not contain any penalties for being out of compliance, but there are a couple of basics that are good to know/follow.

  1. The flag must always be displayed to its own right. (In your office: If it is behind your desk, it should be to your right, if it is in front of your desk, the flag should be to your left.)
  2. When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union (blue field of stars) should be in the upper right corner (to the observer’s left).
  3. The flag should always be falling free, don’t fasten or tie it back.
  4. When displaying flags with crossed staves, the flag should be to its own right (observer’s left) and crossed in front of the other flag’s staff.

As a note – if you or your districts have a flag that needs to be retired, please contact your local veteran’s organizations (like the American Legion) as they often have official flag retirement ceremonies.

Bills Passed This Week (updated through Thursday)

H.B. 26 24-7 Sobriety Program Expansion
H.B. 55 Marriage Commission Amendments
H.B. 58 Riot Amendments
H.B. 59 Intimate Image Distribution Prohibition Revisions
H.B. 64 Factual Innocence Payments Amendments
H.B. 65 Wildland Fire Amendments
H.B. 83 Migratory Bird Production Area Amendments
H.B. 84 Use of Force Reporting Requirements
H.B. 87 Electronic Information and Data Privacy Amendments
H.B. 95 Prison Rape Elimination Act Compliance
H.B. 103 Retaliation and Obstruction of Justice Amendments
H.B. 107 Subdivision Plat Amendments
H.B. 109 Wildlife Amendments
H.B. 136 Initiative and Referenda Modifications
H.B. 137 Large Vehicle Registration Amendments
H.B. 147 Revenge Porn Amendments
H.B. 155 Civil Commitment Amendments
H.B. 158 Juvenile Interrogation AmendmentsH.B. 159 Higher Education Speech
H.B. 161 Military Retirement Tax Amendments
H.B. 162 Peace Officer Training Amendments
H.B. 170 Vehicle Registration Renewal Notice Requirements
H.B. 172 Facility of Payment to Minor Amendments
H.B. 175 Risk Management Settlement Authority Amendments
H.B. 178 Pharmacy Practice Modifications
H.B. 185 Laboratory Equipment Amendments
H.B. 186 Criminal Nonsupport Amendments
H.B. 188 State Stone Designation
H.B. 190 Interstate Compact on Curing Diseases
H.B. 191 Adoption Amendments
H.B. 193 Intimate Image Distribution Prohibition
H.B. 211 Initiatives and Referenda Amendments
H.B. 226 Long-term Care Patient and Consumer Rights Protection
H.B. 228 Jail Photo Distribution Prohibition
H.B. 238 Marriage Amendments
H.B. 239 Online Impersonation Prohibition
H.B. 241 Utah Seeds Amendments
H.B. 244 First Class County Highway Road Funds Amendments
H.B. 252 State Pay Plan Amendments
H.B. 278 Name Change Process for Dixie State University
H.C.R. 8 Concurrent Resolution on Education
H.C.R. 12 Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Cooperative Action Regarding National Monuments
S.B. 13 Law Enforcement Internal Investigation Requirements
S.B. 32 Employee Status Amendments
S.B. 38 K-9 Policy Requirements
S.B. 41 Mental Health Access Amendments
S.B. 57 Executive Residence Commission Amendments
S.B. 60 Accident Reports Amendments
S.B. 64 Domestic Violence Amendments
S.B. 69 Accident Report Amendments
S.B. 72 Open and Public Meetings AmendmentsS.B. 87 Professional Licensing Amendments
S.B. 101 Motor Vehicle Amendments
S.C.R. 1 Concurrent Resolution on Holocaust Education
S.J.R. 5 Joint Rules Resolution — Legislation Amendments
S.J.R. 6 Joint Rules Resolution – Concurrent and Joint Resolution Modifications
S.J.R. 7 Joint Resolution Approving EnergySolutions Constructing and Operating a Landfill for Nonhazardous Solid Waste

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