Little Cities of Hope: Exactly Where I Am


Press Release

The stories that feel stigmatizing are the ones we are most likely to hide due to the hurt we may experience. When someone is willing to share one of those painful stories, it can do so much to help those willing to listen to understand, empathize and identify with the storyteller. We are fortunate to be able to share with you a story of substance use disorder (SUD) recovery in this Little Cities of Hope issue.

“Today, I’m a survivor of my addiction. With the help of my Peer Recovery Coach from USARA and the tools she’s teaching me, and the tools I’m learning in groups at Four Corners, I’ve been able to live my life chemical free. I am part of the drug court program and I am taught more structure for my everyday life. I have learned to manage my medication with the help of Positive Pathways. The blessings I’m receiving everyday are many. I’m truly blessed for this chance to start my life again. Recovery is a lifelong process; it gets easier with time but takes constant upkeep. I’ve been able to repair family relationships, get an amazing job doing what I love doing and, most of all, my inner child gets to play with my grandchildren everyday. So, today I say I am a survivor and I’m happy to be exactly where I am at. 

Gratefully, Teena Cripps”

There are many stories of recovery out there that show the strength and determination of people in recovery! If you or someone you know are experiencing a SUD, remember that treatment works and recovery is possible. If you would like to learn more about SUD, recovery stories from our community or resources available in our area, please check out the following links as a place to get started:

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