Orangeville City Days Coming July 23 and 24


Orangeville Days 2019. ETV News stock photo.

By Julie Johansen

Orangeville City is excited to announce Orangeville City Days on July 23 and 24. The theme this year is “Movin’ On” and two days full of celebration are planned for Friday and Saturday.

The activities will begin on Friday afternoon at 4 p.m. with a kids’ bike parade and rodeo. Participants are asked to meet at the Orangeville LDS Church. A lamb fry with the Straight Canyon Band entertaining will be at 5:30 p.m. in the park. At dusk on Friday, a light run will be on the Cottonwood Creek Trail. Then, after dark, a movie with ice cream in the park will take place.

On Saturday, July 24, the day starts early with a breakfast in the park beginning at 7 a.m. The parade on Main Street will begin at 10 a.m. with kids’ games in the park immediately following the parade. Booths will also be open in the park all day on Saturday. An ATV poker rider will begin at 2 p.m. and participants should meet in the park for this activity.

At 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, a dinner theatre is planned at the city park. Fireworks are scheduled at dark, but this is tentative and will be announced at a later date.

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