Price City Addresses Overgrowth at Parks


Flip Blitz stock photo by Jamie Swank

Price City citizens may have noticed that the city parks have been looking a bit overgrown lately. Price City Mayor Mike Kourianos shed some light on recent happenings to provide some clarification.

“Price City was chosen to kick off a program called Flip Blitz. The program is to cut down water usage during the summer months,” Mayor Kourianos explained. “The state of Utah is making a big push on parking strips that waste a lot of water.”

He continued by explaining that the Price City Parks and Cemetery employees worked on the big kickoff for that event, which took place on May 19 and focused on the city’s fire station and property located around USU Eastern (USUE). The mayor stated that this project was a huge success.

Following this, crews were up to the task of preparing the cemeteries for Memorial Day. According to the mayor, the crews had a huge task of placing sod on over 200 graves and were very busy beautifying the cemeteries.

With no time to rest, another big project came in the form of getting the baseball fields ready for summer games. Other upkeep, such as repairing sprinklers, means the crews have been quite busy in recent months with exciting projects and events. Now, the crews are ready to focus on the parks.

“I’m very proud of our parks and cemetery crew for working on getting all this work done,” concluded Mayor Kourianos. “I’m so impressed by the partnership between Price City and USUE. USUE helped us get our cemeteries ready.”

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