Why Putting Your Family Home in a Trust Is a Smart Move


By Bethany Gilson Casey
Attorney at Law, Legacy Law LLC

If you are like many homeowners, your home is likely your family’s most valuable and treasured asset. In light of this, you want to plan wisely to ensure your home will pass to your heirs in the most efficient and safe manner possible when you die or in the event you become incapacitated by illness or injury.

What Is A Trust?
In simplest terms, a trust is an agreement between the “Grantor” (the person who puts assets into the trust) and the “Trustee” (the person who agrees to hold those assets) to hold title to assets for the benefit of the “Beneficiary.”

Creating a trust removes your assets from the jurisdiction of the court in the event you become incapacitated or when you die, and instead, you give the power to transfer those assets to your successor Trustee to handle without government or court intervention and keep it all totally private. This saves your family significant time, money and headache.

The Benefits Of Putting Your Home In A Trust
While both wills and trusts are the most commonly used estate planning vehicles to pass on wealth and other assets to your loved ones, putting your home in a trust has a number of distinct benefits compared to using a will.

Avoiding Probate
One of the primary advantages of using a trust to pass on your home to your heirs is the avoidance of the court process known as probate. Unlike a will, assets held in trust do not have to go through probate. During probate, the court oversees the will’s administration, ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes, with automatic supervision to handle any disputes.

However, probate can be a long and expensive process, which can be emotionally draining for your loved ones. Depending on the complexity of your estate, probate proceedings can drag out for months or even years, and your family will likely have to hire an attorney to represent them, which can result in costly legal fees that can drain your estate.

Unlike a will, if your trust is properly set up and maintained, your family won’t have to go through probate to inherit your home. Instead, your home will immediately pass to your loved ones upon your death, without the need for any court intervention.

Find The Solution That’s Right For Your Family
Although putting your home in a living trust can be an ideal way to pass your home to your loved ones, each family’s circumstances are different. This is why your Personal Family Lawyer® will conduct a free Family Wealth Planning Session. During this session, we’ll take you through an analysis of your assets, what’s most important to you, and what will happen to your loved ones when you die or if you become incapacitated. Contact Legacy Law LLC at (307) 522-5830 to learn more.

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